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Once you begin researching the Aryan Gods, One may call to you. You'll hear their name a few times, you'll have dreams abotu them, you'll find yourself thinking about them....
Each person's experience is slightly different, but the God or Goddess is calling. Answer the call. Start with prayer...simply talk to them and research them more ot see what they might bring into your life. Then when you are sure or at least mostly sure, make an offering or sacrifice. And start to grow your relationship with that God or Goddess. For some people, one God or Goddess is enough, but most people work with a God and Goddess. A Lord and Lady. Try tp not mix and match Pantheons. IF you are called to a given pantheon stick to it, there are more than enough Gods and Goddesses to go around in each pantheon. Just a little advice from a 30 year pagan.